
Music download.

I try to look through You tube videos often just in case
I find something really great.
I found this band in the process. 
Apparently they are brother and sister. 
I wouldn't know if that were actually true because Jack and Meg 
White from The White Stripes were definitely married at some 
point even though they said they were brother and sister.
Anyway, Their name is Angus and Julia Stone. I think they are fantastic. 
I stayed up until 5am just listening to them this morning. 
I didn't like Julia's voice at first but I have warmed up to it.
So here is a little taste of Angus and Julia Stone.

Side note:
Yesterday, I went shopping finally. 
Not at a store I normally shop at but I had 75 dollars 
on a gift card. I spent 66 dollars and only got 
three shirts and some boots. How ridiculous! Stores are so expensive these days.
Regardless of the fact that I spent so much on so little I am happy with what I did purchase.
I am so in love with the boots that I had to snap some photos for you to see!

They're so cute right?

Happy Wednesday!
Thank you for reading.