
Unexpected truths.

If I could ask her one thing I'd ask her:
"Did you become the woman you always dreamed you'd become?"

 and If I could tell her one thing I'd tell her:
I love you and don't be scared.

When someone in my family leaves this earth,
I always wonder what their childhood was like.
And I always wish I took the time to ask.

                                                    Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. :( Paige i am very sorry for you loss, you know that i am here for you, and i know that you try to be as strong as you can, but if you need a shoulder to cry on or a ear for listening just don't ever forget i am here and always will be. I love you. And i think i can answer one of those questions, did she become the woman she always dreamed she would be come, i think she did because she had kids and grandkids and even great grandkids and that talk she had with her daughter the day before, was probably her in a way knowing what was going to happen, idk. I just hope things start to get better for you.
