
Bringing in the new year!

My night was fantastic. I brought in the new year with 
some of my best friends and my boyfriend. 
We danced, we laughed, we cried, 
we stumbled, we ate, we talked.
I wouldn't have made it any different. 
Or changed a thing.
You know, those heart to hearts that 
only happen every so often?
Well, that took place last night.

With all the tragedy that has been storming into my life,
Last night really made me feel happy. Really happy.

I didn't bring my camera to capture some photos.
Which made me feel pretty bummed out.
But pictures were still captured by my friends.
Maybe I'll post those once they get uploaded.

Anyway, I don't have any real resolution for the new year.
I am pretty satisfied in doing what I have been doing. 
Being happy, embracing every moment, and laughing. 
Laughing is definitely key.

Happy New Year!
I hope your new year celebration was as fantastic as you hoped.
Thank you for reading.

1 comment:

  1. I wish i could like posts, haha i loved the new year to! Defiantly going to be a hard one to top!
