
The last few days.

In my last post I said I would post morning snow pictures but I couldn't. I had to get to work sooner than I thought. My time management is never good when I am glued to the computer! 
I also stated in my last post that I would like to be more adventurous. 
Well, that was surely accomplished.

 Curious as to how I was? well here is the story:
On Sunday evening my friend Sicily and I were driving to Warrensburg, Missouri and we saw an Amtrak sign. So I jokingly said "Lets go to Texas!"  After that, the topic of discussion was going on a random trip. We were looking at a map and everything. We decided on Texas at first then went with Chicago, Illinois. When we headed back home we looked up tickets and there weren't any for Chicago on Sunday night. Except there was for New Mexico. So we booked them for 10:45 PM that night after calling my other dear friend Crystal up to have her join our adventures. Then on to Union Station we went.

We arrived on Monday at 3:30 PM.
and We left on Tuesday at 12:00 PM.
Finally arrived home on Wednesday in the morning.

I would tell the whole story of the trip.
But I feel as if that would take far too long.
So that was the sort version. Or just the beginning. 
I've never done anything that spontaneous before
but I am totally glad I did. Nothing like getting away from
the same ol' routine for a couple of days with my best friends.
If you ever get the chance to
do something like this, take it.

I might also add that to visit New Mexico was first on my list of things to do before I die.
So It feels pretty good to finally get that scratched off. I do apologize for my delay. I got back on Wednesday and started to write a post but then decided I better hold off until I could have enough time to edit the pictures that I captured.

So here are the photos of New Mexico.

                                                     Thank you for reading.


  1. that is so cool! i'm jealous, and the pictures are neat! <3

  2. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_TSNOqqA9hy0/TS_XTBoPQNI/AAAAAAAAAaY/sLN3DOuXoP4/s1600/35.jpg

  3. I love your photos, they're gorgeous.

  4. Wow! These are really great photos! And it's always nice to meet another Paige.

  5. These photos are amazing!
    I'd love to go on a spontaneous trip like that
